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Совместный проект Мемориал-EHRAC объявляет вакансию для старшего юриста в офисе совместного проекта в Москве.

Мы Вам были бы признательны, если Вы смогли бы переслать приложенное описание должностей всем тем, кто может быть заинтересован подать заявление на эту вакансию. Описание должностней имеется только на английском языке, поскольку у кандидатов требуется знание английского языка.

Пожалуйста, обратите внимание на то, что срок для подачи заявлений - 13 февраля 2009г.

Vacancy - Legal Director/Senior Lawyer MEMORIAL-EHRAC JOINT PROJECT

The Memorial Human Rights Centre works in partnership with the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC), which is based at LondonMetropolitanUniversity. This joint initiative operates from a dedicated project office within the Memorial Human Rights Centre in Moscow and in five other regional offices. This project was previously funded by the European Commission and is now supported by multiple grant-making trusts and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the British Government. The Memorial-EHRAC project is currently working on over 150 cases.

EHRAC's primary objective is to assist individuals, lawyers and NGOs within the Russian Federation to take cases to the European Court of Human Rights, whilst working to transfer skills and build the capacity of the Russian human rights community. For more information about Memorial and EHRAC, please visit: http://ehracmos.memo.ruand www.londonmet.ac.uk/ehrac..

The Memorial-EHRAC joint project is currently recruiting for a Legal Director/Senior Lawyer to work in the Memorial-EHRAC Moscow office. This is an exciting opportunity to make a significant contribution to the development of the next stages of an established and respected international human rights project.

Job Description for the Post of Legal Director/Senior Lawyer

The Overall Aim

To manage and provide strategic leadership and direction to the legal team in Moscow in conducting litigation before the European Court of Human Rights. This litigation is seeking not only to provide victims of human rights abuses in the Russian Federation with legal redress, but also to lead to wider changes in law, policy and practice.

Main Responsibilities

In conjunction with the EHRAC Director and the Director of the Memorial Human Rights Centre, to carry out the following:

1. Co-ordinate and manage the legal team in the Memorial-EHRAC office in Moscow.

2. Develop, oversee and refine the strategic direction and implementation of all litigation activity within the project's focus (see below): developing an ECHR test case strategy; identifying applications which have the potential to be successful at the ECHR, with a particular focus on cases which, if successful, will have the most significant effects on the development of the relevant law, policy and practice.

3. Proactively developing new areas of strategic ECHR litigation for the project.

4. Broad advocacy in support of the work of the project: within international organisations, including the Council of Europe; with state bodies; with civil society organisations; with the press, broadcast and new media

5. Manage and support the work of the regional lawyers/fieldworkers (including travel to the regions), thereby developing effective communications with the Moscow office, and foster the development of networks of co-operating lawyers from different regions.

6. Develop and implement internal case tracking systems to facilitate regular monitoring and compliance with case-related deadlines.

7. Overseeing a high quality of written legal submissions and pleadings
(including ensuring stylistic and methodological consistency), through
support and review.

8. Establish and secure compliance with internal systems for efficiently
managing all stages of litigation.

9. Develop and oversee a resource databank of legal materials.

10.Casework:   preparation  of applications  to  the   ECHR;   maintaining
correspondence with the registry at the ECHR; preparation of cases for
Strasbourg representation; drafting of observations on admissibility, merits and just satisfaction.

11.Support for and liaison with applicants (including obtaining instructions from the applicants as required; keeping applicants informed about the progress of cases; maintaining regular contact with applicants.)

12.Manage and/or contribute to, as required, the Bulletin, website and other project publications.

13. Incorporate  into  litigation  activity  opportunities  for  legal  capacity
development of the Moscow legal team and regional lawyers on the practice
and procedure of the ECHR.

14.Overseeing reporting to, and communicating effectively with, the London office, including the provision of case documents, updating on the progress of cases, and the submission of a monthly report.

15.Identifying  and utilising  other  avenues  of potential  legal  redress
internationally (including UN special procedures, treaty-based mechanisms and other Council of Europe institutions).

Main (indicative) areas of litigation

1. Protection of the victims of armed conflicts (Chechnya).

2. Victims of various forms of discrimination (on ethnic, religious grounds etc.).

3. Freedom of expression and association (e.g. media and NGOs).

4. Violations arising in the criminal and civil justice systems.

5. Victims of 'hazing' within the armed forces.

6. Environmental issues.

7. Children's rights.

8. Such other categories of work as are agreed in conjunction with the project lawyers in Moscow and London.

Qualifications and Person Specification

1. Substantial experience litigating cases in domestic and international legal systems.

2. Extensive professional experience in the field of human rights (including training and awareness raising skills).

3. Strong management skills and ability to manage effectively multiple projects in a fast paced environment

4. Good initiative and ability to work both independently and with others

5. Fluency in Russian and English, excellent oral and written communication, and analytic skills

The position is based in the dedicated Memorial-EHRAC project office in Moscow.

Salary range:

From ?1,350 Euro net per month negotiable depending on relevant expertise and experience.

Deadline for applications 13 Feb 2009.

Please apply with a CV and covering letter in English explaining how your education and professional experience qualify you for this position, your motivations for applying, and your interest in human rights to:

Tina Devadasan, Project Manager ehrac@londonmet.ac.uk

tel:++44(0)20 7133 5087

fax:++44(0)20 7133 5173

European Human Rights Advocacy Centre

222 Ladbroke House, 62-66 Highbury Grove, LondonN5 2AD, United Kingdom

Please note that applications in Russian or without a covering letter will not be considered.

 Russian recruitment/Senior Lawyer/JD_SrLawyer_ENG 11 08 08_Final TD 19 1 09

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Элье, добавлено 27.01.2009 13:29

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